Our Services

Pet Dentistry
Come to us for your cat or dog’s dental cleaning and polishing. We treat gum disease (periodontal treatments), offer full mouth dental x-rays and do tooth extractions when we need to.

Skin problems
Skin problems can be one of the most constant, frustrating problems for you and your pet. One of our vets (Laura) has spent a number of years studying the various skin problems that our pets suffer from and has attained the status of “Advanced Practitioner”. Let us know if your pet has an ongoing skin problem that might benefit from Laura’s expertise and skills.

Vaccinations and neutering
We will discuss with you pros and cons of neutering, and the best ages to do this. We provide initial kitten and puppy vaccinations and go through all the things that are important with a new pet, as well as discussing the vaccinations that are relevant to your pet and how often they are needed,

General health problems
including flea and worming advice – this includes things such as vomiting, diarrhoea, drinking excessively, or losing weight. We help you monitor if your pet needs to be checked for fleas or worms, and whether they need to be prescribed medicine.

Senior Pet Care
We love caring for elderly and geriatric pets. Our nursing team take particular interest and care in looking after many of the problems assicuated with elderly pet’s health, like sight loss and hearing loss, peeing more often, bad breath or weight gain and subsequent mobility issues. Our nursing team run specific consultations for Senior Pets to advise you on how we can improve their quality of life.

Consultations with our nurses to discuss behavioural or dietary problems, or to clip nails or express impacted anal sacs

Home visit service
We offer a vet or nurse examination where we will travel to your home to make it easier for you, and more comforting for your pet to be examined or have annual vaccinations or checks for medication.

Orthopaedic services
if you pet has any orthopaedic problems, including broken bones, or damaged cruciate ligaments, we have an orthopaedic surgeon who comes to Black Sheep Vets. We also undertake Hip and Elbow xrays under the BVA scheme.

Saying Goodbye to your pet
We realise that this will probably be one of the hardest and saddest decisions you ever make about your pet. You can contact one of our team to help guide you as to when the right time is, as well as how and where you would like this to be done. Some people want to be with their pets and other people don’t. For some owners, we use one of our quiet consultation rooms, otherwise we can come to your home, go outside in our practice garden at Eastfield House, or even perform this in your car (particularly for pets that can’t or don’t want to be moved).

Pregnancy diagnosis
via ultrasound examination

On site emergency care 24 hours a day
We have a team of expert vets, nurses and animal care assistants who provide emergency care for all of the pets in the area. This means that if you have an emergency in the middle of the night, or Christmas Day – you can call us, and if your pet needs to be hospitalised for overnight care after surgery, our team is here for them… 24/7..